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IKEA in Motion

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Inspired from IKEA’s vision, ‘Designing for Purpose’ and being accessible to masses, the aim was to design a meaningful ‘facility’ that can make IKEA not only approachable but also welcoming to a much more diverse group of society.  


IKEA in Motion is a speculative design project that brings about the significance of needs and requirements of the visually impaired individuals, and make the experience of IKEA’s stores more interactive and enjoyable by assisting them to navigate through IKEA stores conviniently. 

The new tactile relief consists of a spacious hallway specifically designed for visually impaired individuals’ requirements. At the cross- section of each zone an ‘alert’ spot is present, announcing the change of zone and ambiance, with other diverese changes in the zones, for instance in Bedrooms and Studio exhibition area, scent of candels and subtle ambiant music will be played. Each zone is designed to stimulate the senses, inviting everyone to explore the collections at the new IKEA.


For the acoustic experience, an extension of IKEA’s Harajuku app was developed, through which visually impaired individuals will be able to have a helpful and enjoyable experience.

 The auditory experience enables the customers to receive details without any hustle. When they place their smartphone towards the desired product, the product speaks to them and narrates it’s story; what material is it made of, who designed it, its dimensions and the price.

The audio experience creates a fun and explanatory environment for both abled as well a disabled individuals. For childeren it becomes a fun way of contributing to the shopping for th interiors of their new room.

The new extension suffices all customer requirements and wishes, truly making IKEA accessible to all!

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